Monthly Archives: September 2014

The glimmer got a little brighter

Following on from my post from yesterday, in todays news on the BBC News website:

UN climate summit: China pledges emissions action

These are the two countries which really need to take big action on emissions and it looks as though they may be serious.

Let us all hope so!

A glimmer of hope

Yesterday on the BBC News website there was an article entitled:

‘Rockefellers to switch investments to ‘clean energy”

I think this one of the best pieces of news I’ve heard for a very long time and that it may signify that people who’s opinions and actions can influence government policy are finally taking steps to curb what has the potential to be the greatest global disaster in modern times.

The Rockefeller family, who made their vast fortune from trading in fossil fuels, have announced, on the eve of the next climate summit, that they are to divest themselves of all their investments in fossil fuels and reinvest them renewable energy!

If this is as true as it appears then huge respect to them and I hope that many other businesses, banks, investment houses etc. follow suit and send a very powerful message to the UK, US and all other governments who are in thrall to the fossil fuel industry that there are other ways to fuel the world that don’t need to involve wrecking it.

I don’t really have any appropriate images to illustrate this post so I thought a singing whitethroat was as good as anything.