Lockdown Upside

I’ve been working from home during these unprecentedly loopy times we’re all living through. So while I’m sitting reading next to the window I’ve noticed the local wildlife has been behaving quite differently. The creatures frequenting my garden seem much more realxed than they normally do. I have a resident wren which I’ve seen hunkering down to sunbath just outside the window, and that’s unusual. Other birds that would normally flit in and out really quickly have also been taking their time, such as this collared dove which took time to enjoy the sunshine and generally take it easy yesterday.

First off it perched on the back of a garden chair and had a really good stretch, wings extended and tail fanned:


And after spending quite a few minutes just hanging around and enjoying the heat it drifted off for a little siesta…


And that would never have happened before the Covid-19 lockdown. So even though it’s a pain for humans, it’s wonderful that the rest of the creatures on the planet can enjoy a few months of quality relaxation whilst we’re not terrorising them.





3 responses to “Lockdown Upside

  1. Pingback: Avian relaxation | The Naturephile

  2. I so agree with you. nature is enjoying the lock down very much indeed !

  3. There’s a lot to be said about the luxury of being able to take advantage of an opportunity for a little nap when the mood strikes–or rather creeps up. And, yes, it’s especially nice to do it in the warm glow of the sun.

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